11:11? what is with the numbers


11:11 make a wish! I’m sure you remember this saying, and maybe you still say it today. It is the only time of the day (using the 12 hour clock) that all the numbers on the clock are the same. Where does this saying come from? Should you even bother to make a wish? What makes this time so important and what is the significance of 11:11?


For me personally, as I started to awaken, I began to see this number all the time.  After a while I started to notice that there was some sort of spiritual connotation that went a long with the numbers 11:11. I sometimes go through phases in my life where for a month I see this number on the clock twice a day, and sometimes there are periods where I hardly see it at all.  What does it all mean? Am I more enlightened during the times when I see it? Is my soul or the universe trying to express something important?


There are many different theories out there to express exactly what this apparent phenomenon of seeing the numbers 1111 is all about. The most common theory is that when you see these numbers you should simply make a wish, and it is believed that it will come true. Some people claim that when this number is seen it means that there is some kind of window opening up in your life and you should ask for the guidance of your ‘angels’ to find out what it is. Other theories state that there is something significant happening in the moment that you are in and you should pay attention to what is going on in your surroundings. 


One of my favourite ideas that I read was that when you see 11:11 you should simply stop, and recognize the significance of the moment.


In my opinion and what resonates with me, is that when you see ‘11:11’ whether on a clock, a license plate, your bank statement or wherever you happen to see it, is like a friendly little sign from your soul, source, higher-self, or the entire Universe, whatever you choose to call it, God, if you will, that everything is in alignment and you are exactly where you need to be, right here, right now.


According to numerology the number 11 possesses the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition and is idealistic. I have read on a website that seeing 11:11 can be viewed as a glitch in the matrix, it is a very real way for the spirit world to communicate with us. I don’t know if we will ever find out exactly what it means, I think you can decide for yourself what it means to you. I know I always get a smile on my face when I see it, it definitely makes me feel good and I love to share with others, ‘Hey look! It’s 11:11!’



“11:11 is the Universe knocking itself out to give you evidence of your alignment.” ~ Abraham Hicks




other numbers of significance


·       Number 777 is a highly spiritual number with the mystical number 7 appearing tripled, making its influences most powerful.  Number 7 resonates with the attributes ofspiritual enlightenmentdevelopment and spiritual awakening, persistence of purpose, intuition and the inner voice of wisdom, mysticism, contemplation, knowledge and understanding, discernment and consideration, and good fortune.


·       Number 888 is a powerful number as it carries the vibrations and attributes of the number 8, which include patience, practicality and dependability, personal authority and power, business acumen, finding success and manifesting wealth and abundance, self-discipline and responsibility, inner-wisdom, justice and Karma – the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.  



article by Alanna Ketler http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/04/29/what-is-the-significance-of-1111/ she used the exact words i would have!